Springtime Emotions: The April Sunset over the Faraglioni Rocks of Capri

Springtime Emotions: The April Sunset over the Faraglioni Rocks of Capri

Today I want to tell you about an April sunset in Capri.

How beautiful is Via Tragara in spring! Everywhere I turned, I could feel the season in the air: the scent of pines and broom flowers filled the breeze, and the chirping of birds accompanied me along the panoramic path leading to the belvedere – a true celebration of the new season.

The Punta Tragara Hotel had just reopened for the season, and down here, between the railing and the benches, the salty air brought by the recent scirocco winds had given way to a fresh breeze. Along the way, couples in love exchanged glances and promises while sitting on the benches, with the Faraglioni as the perfect backdrop for this stage of immense beauty.

In this atmosphere of renewal, I walked down the Pizzo Luongo path, one of the most authentic places in Capri. Here, you can feel the true essence of the island: lush vegetation, cliffs, crystal-clear sea, peregrine falcons finding refuge among the ancient rocks, and seagulls soaring joyfully over the pines.

With my Nikon and tripod ready, I prepared to capture that magical moment: an April sunset in Capri. The sun's rays gently caressed the Faraglioni like a soft embrace, and it was almost a shame not to enjoy the spectacle without looking through the lens. In moments like these, Capri becomes a true miracle of nature.

From this shot, I created a series of canvases in various formats, designed to bring the magic of this sunset into your home. These are offered at affordable prices, with worldwide shipping and full customer service, thanks to the collaboration with the leading home decor company.


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